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Title: Modernization of financial intermediaries relations in modern conditions of national economy
Authors: Гончаренко, Ірина Георгіївна
Березіна, Олена Юріївна
Шевченко, Анна Михайлівна
Keywords: financial intermediaries
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Науковий вісник Полісся
Abstract: The article substantiates the need for modernization and renewal forms relationships between financial intermediaries as well as deepen and broaden the traditional areas of cooperation. The problems that stand in the way to optimize the relationship of financial intermediaries in the plane of financial services clients. Promising kinds of professional relationships between domestic financial intermediaries.
Issue: 2 (10)
First Page: 78
End Page: 84
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації викладачів (ФЕУ)

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