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Title: Analysis of the Perspectivies of International Environmenal cooperation for the Central regions of Ukraine
Authors: Петкова, Леся Омелянівна
Хоменко, Олена Михайлівна
Загоруйко, Неллі Вікторівна
Keywords: transnational cooperation;ecological network;green tourism;sustainable development
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: EUREKA: Social and Humanities
Abstract: The conducted analysis of the prospects of international environmental cooperation for the central regions of Ukraine showed that the most developed area of cooperation is green tourism, which is rapidly developing in the central regions. To a large extent, this is due to the natural conditions and the preserved archaism of local life that attracts tourists. On the other side, the support of green tourism by the government, improvement of the material condition of owners of green homesteads increases the interest of local communities in cooperation with international organizations. Using of international experience in the field of energy saving by local communities is being implemented by individual farms at the level of individual relationships with international organizations, but it has no massive component. Cooperation of the central regions of Ukraine with the international community is the most promising in the direction of forming a transnational ecological network. The main reserve for the formation of a regional ecological network is the lands of the water fund, degraded and unproductive agricultural landscapes. The allocation of lands for the water fund and its mapping must use plans and requires adequate financing. The threat to implementation of the regional program for the development of the ecological network and its coordination with transnational ecological corridors is the lack of financing and inconsistency of the resolution of the land ownership rights in the alienation of land to the nature reserve fund. The use of funding from international environmental funds in the central regions of Ukraine is limited due to the lack of experience in the participation of environmental NGOs in international ecological projects aimed at nature conservation, the lack of interest of local communities in land alienation in the nature reserve fund.
Issue: 1 (13)
First Page: 23
End Page: 37
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації викладачів (ФЕУ)

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