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dc.contributor.authorРізник, О. О.-
dc.contributor.authorЄфіменко, Н. А.-
dc.identifier.issn2708-6070 (online)-
dc.identifier.issn2306-4412 (Print)-
dc.description.abstractУ статті запропоновано підходи до моделювання процесу контролю якості продукції на підприємствах машинобудівної галузі з метою оптимізації його результативності. Отримані результати дають можливість визначити профілі та тенденції стосовно якості продукції машинобудування, виявити пріоритети поліпшення її якості. Машинобудівному підприємству необхідно проводити моніторинг щодо задоволення споживачів, визначивши способи одержання цієї інформації, вчасно розробляти методи оцінювання та проводити аналіз отриманої інформації з метою задоволення потреб споживачів. Моделювання дає змогу вчасно виявити виникнення кризових явищ для кваліметричного оцінювання контролю якості виготовлення продукції машинобудівної галузі, відстежувати динаміку і тенденції змін, що відбуваються.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis article proposes modeling of the process of product quality control efficiency at machinebuilding enterprises. The obtained results allow to determine the profiles and trends regarding the quality of machine-building products, to identify priorities for improving product quality. Each machine-building enterprise needs to monitor customer satisfaction by identifying ways to obtain this information, develop evaluation methods in a timely manner and analyze the information obtained in order to meet the needs of consumers of machine-building products. Modeling can diagnose the emergence of the crisis to assess qualimetric quality control manufacturing machinery products, trace trends and changes taking place. The problem of quality is now one of the most pressing worldwide, and the interest in it is growing steadily. This is due to the fact that product quality determines market priorities, economic security of the state; largely ensures the sustainable development of civilization, preservation of the environment, human health and well-being In most countries of the world, on different continents, quality improvement has become a national idea as a result of great efforts of governments, management of firms and companies aimed at ensuring high quality products, services and works, processes. Ukrainian mechanical engineering is still lagging behind in the use of modern methods of control system. At the present stage of development of the economy of Ukraine, an important condition for the successful operation of the machine-building enterprise is the production of high quality products, which helps to increase its competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets. Quality assessment is not only the main and initial stage of a complex process of quality management of objects. Without knowledge of the level of properties and quality of the considered objects, there is no possibility for scientifically substantiated acceptance of the necessary administrative decision and the further influence on an object for the purpose of change of quality. Today there is a need to introduce a qualimetric assessment of quality control of machine-building products on the scale of the machine-building enterprise on the basis of the standard ISO 9001:2015. The effectiveness of management in machine-building enterprises should be based on a comprehensive approach to interdependence and interaction of technical processes. Control based on the introduction of qualimetric assessment of quality control of machine-building products involves the interaction of units of the machine-building enterprise, the ultimate goal of which is a high level of quality of the production process in a timely manner. Assessment of the quality of machine-building products involves determining the following levels of quality: the absolute level of quality of choice – found by calculating the selected indicators for its measurement without comparing them with the corresponding indicators of similar manufacturers; relative level of quality of machine-building products – provides comparison of its indicators with absolute indicators of quality of the best similar domestic and foreign samples of products; promising level – involves assessing the quality of products taking into account the priority areas and rates of development of science and technology; optimal level of quality – the level at which the total public costs of production and use of machine-building products under certain conditions of consumption would be minimal. On the basis of the process approach there is a need to build a hierarchical model of qualimetric assessment of quality control of manufacturing products. According to the author, scientific and practical interest is the expansion of the methodological approach to the actions of the stages, in particular the measurement and planning of process indicators, as well as process monitoring. Qualimetric assessment of quality control of machine-building products is based on the use of a local system of indicators of the internal production process, in particular: the performance indicator – achieving the planned result of the level of quality of final products, taking into account risks; the efficiency indicator – the cost (costs associated with the implementation of modern methods of process quality control) and time spent on the process. In addition, the flexibility indicator can be used as an additional characteristic of the further development of the process, able to determine the impact of the process on the environment, potential risks to staff, etc.uk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Черкаського державного технологічного університету. Технічні наукиuk_UA
dc.subjectкваліметричне оцінюванняuk_UA
dc.subjectкоефіцієнт вагомостіuk_UA
dc.subjectqualimetric assessmentuk_UA
dc.subjectweighting factoruk_UA
dc.titleМетод експертної оцінки контролю якості продукції на підприємствах машинобудівної галузіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMethod of expert assessment of product quality control at enterprises of machine-building industryuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№4/2020

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