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dc.contributor.authorОрлова, Марина Олександрівна-
dc.identifier.issn2707-112Х (online)-
dc.description.abstractУ пропонованій статті розглянуто місця пам’яті з погляду перекладознавста та теорії міжкультурної комунікації, а саме особливостей перекладу художнього твору з урахуванням національно-культурної асиметрії. Для практичного аналізу було обрано роман німецького письменника Ґ. Ґрасса „Mein Jahrhundert“ та його україномовний переклад «Моє сторіччя» (у перекладі Н. Сняданко). У процесі практичного аналізу досліджували перекладацькі стратегії, які було застосовано до відтворення комеморативних, символічних та комунікаційних місць пам’яті.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractBackground. In the proposed article the places memorable are considered from the point of view of translation studies and the theory of cross-cultural communication, namely the features of the literary translation according to the national-cultural asymmetry. Although this problem is not new, and it should be mentioned about the study of national and cultural features of literary translation in connection with their important role in the transfer of a foreign literary work in the language of translation, it would be appropriate to note that, first of all, in the modern linguistic paradigm, language is considered as a cultural code of the nation, and the literary text provides material for reading this code. Therefore, it is necessary to study the national and cultural specificity of language units of the literary text and their translation, as well as the study of ways to reflect the national character, mentality and worldview of an ethnic group in the space of literary works. The purpose of the article is to make the analysis of the Ukrainian translation of the novel of the German writer G. Grass’s "My century" from the point of view of reproduction places the memorable in the process of literary translation, namely such categories as commemorative, symbolic and communication places. Methods. In the process of research various research methods are used, namely comparative and descriptive methods, transformational and linguistic-stylistic analysis, modern research on the problems of memorable discourse, modern theories of chronotope, of the hermeneutics and receptive aesthetics. Results. The analysis of the Ukrainian translation of the G. Grass's novel "My century" from the point of view of the reproduction memory locations has shown that, in general, the proposed translation can be regarded as adaptation to linguacultural specific of the original, which occurs primarily through semantic approximation of the original and the translation of lexical-semantic level. Most memorable places are explained through a linguocultural commentary, as suggested in the footnotes at the end of the page. Discussion. It is worth noting that the Ukrainian translator of the novel "My century" N. Snyadanko skillfully operates a variety of translation strategies, reproduces the cultural and historical realities and national specificity of the original text, including also a variety of extralinguistic factorsuk_UA
dc.publisherLanguage: codification, competence, communicationuk_UA
dc.subjectмісця пам’ятіuk_UA
dc.subjectміжкультурна комунікаціяuk_UA
dc.subjectҐ. Ґрассuk_UA
dc.subject«Моє сторіччя»uk_UA
dc.subjectперекладацькі стратегіїuk_UA
dc.subjectнаціонально-культурна асиметріяuk_UA
dc.subjectmemorable placesuk_UA
dc.subjectintercultural communicationuk_UA
dc.subjectG. Grassuk_UA
dc.subject"My century"uk_UA
dc.subjecttranslation strategiesuk_UA
dc.subjectnational-cultural asymmetryuk_UA
dc.titleМісця пам’яті як проблема лінгвокультурної адаптації в процесі художнього перекладу (на матеріалі українського перекладу роману німецького письменника Ґ. Ґрасса «Моє сторіччя»)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativePlaces memorable as a problem of linguistic and cultural adaptation in the process of literary translation (on the material of the Ukrainian translation of G. Grass’s novel "My century")uk_UA
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