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dc.contributor.authorСепеда Гуаман, Д.Ф.-
dc.description.abstractУ статті проаналізовано фактори зовнішнього середовища за допомогою PEST-аналізу, який модифіковано за рахунок включення додаткових факторів, таких як правові, екологічні та поведінкові. Автором запропоновано нову модель з урахуванням факторів зовнішнього середовища, які у подальшому можуть стати джерелами ризиків, що впливають на стейкхолдерів організаційного проекту у сфері обслуговування літаків. Застосування цієї моделі дасть змогу у подальшому знизити негативний вплив стейкхолдерів на реалізацію організаційного проекту у сфері обслуговування літаків.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe current state of the development and implementation of the project management methodology in the world is closely linked with project stakeholders, which can have a very significant impact on its implementation. The impact of project stakeholders can be both positive and negative one that can lead to the success or failure of project implementation. The purpose of the article is to build a risk management matrix for stakeholders in organizational projects in the field of aircraft maintenance based on the identification of stakeholders and the risks that may arise in the process of their activities or inactivity. The author analyzes the publications of scientists in the field of project management and concludes that it is necessary to continue research on stakeholders and risks management in the process of implementing an organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance. A list of stakeholders of organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance is identified and identification of groups of risks and their types related to the activities of stakeholders of this type of project is carried out. It has been discovered how stakeholders can influence the implementation of organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance. Environmental factors using PEST analysis, which has been modified by adding additional factors such as: legal, environmental and behavioral ones, are analyzed. The author proposes a new model that takes into account environmental factors, which in future may become sources of risks affecting the stakeholders of organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance. The application of this model will allow the head of organizational project in the field of aircraft maintenance to develop effective measures to prevent or avoid the risks associated with the activities of stakeholders of the project through continuous monitoring in order to reduce negative impact of stakeholders on the project implementationuk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Черкаського державного технологічного університету. Технічні наукиuk_UA
dc.subjectпроектний підхідuk_UA
dc.subjectстейкхолдери проектуuk_UA
dc.subjectризики проектуuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізаційний проект у сфері обслуговування літаківuk_UA
dc.subjectproject approachuk_UA
dc.subjectproject stakeholdersuk_UA
dc.subjectproject risksuk_UA
dc.subjectorganizational project in the field of aircraft maintenanceuk_UA
dc.titleМатриця ризиків стейкхолдерів організаційних проектів у сфері обслуговування літаківuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMatrix of risks of organizational projects stakeholders in the field of aircraft maintenanceuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№2/2019

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