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dc.contributor.authorСтоляренко, Геннадій Степанович-
dc.description.abstractВ работе представлен процесс озонирования жидкого топлива и изучение влияния работы доз озона на работу двигателя. Приведены механизмы химических процессов интенсификации сжигания топлива, подавления образования токсичных соединений при дозировании озона. Эксперимантально доказано влияние малых доз озона на процесс сжигания бензина в двигателях внутреннего сгорания. Исходя из результатов исследований названа краткая техническая характеристика двигателя и тормозного стенда. Описаны теоретические основы аналитического контроля процесса, снижение содержания оксида углерода, влияние озона на содержание сажи в отработавших газах, изменение режимных факторов при работе двигатели.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTheoretical bases and chemistry of ozonation of the fuel during the introduction of the oxidant in both the gas and liquid phases are considered. The mechanisms of chemical processes of intensification of fuel combustion, suppression of the formation of toxic compounds during ozone dosing are presented. The radical-ion mechanism of the chain reactions of the oxidant macroactivity at its microadditives is shown. The possibility of saving liquid fuel has been established. The experimental verification of the effect of ozone small doses on the process of combustion of gasoline in internal combustion engines is presented. Due to the fact that this reaction mechanism is very well studied, this makes it possible to theoretically trace the effect of synthesized compounds. A number of experiments have been carried out, the results of which are presented. The brief technical characteristics of the engine and brake stand are named. Engine fuel consumption has been measured by directly determining the change in fuel mass over time. The flow rate of air consumed by the engine has been measured using a differential pressure gauge. The temperature of the exhaust gases has been measured using a thermocouple. Theoretical foundations of the analytical control of the process, the reduction of carbon monoxide, the effect of ozone on the soot content in the exhaust gases, the change in operational factors during engine operation are described. The use of ozonized gasoline improves such an engine operating parameter as efficiency (fuel economy up to 7 %) and increases its power. Ozone additive in fuel due to the formation of HO• radicals in the volume of the fuel-air mixture, radicals HO• ; HО2 • ; RO2 • destroys peroxide compounds, which are the main source of detonation combustion of gasoline. The effective ozone preparation of the fuel-air mixture in the pre-flame period positively affects not only the reduction of toxicity of emissions, but also the operating parameters of the engineuk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Черкаського державного технологічного університету. Технічні наукиuk_UA
dc.subjectозонолиз олефиновых углеводородовuk_UA
dc.subjectподготовка топлива к сжиганиюuk_UA
dc.subjectгорение озонированных бензиновuk_UA
dc.subjectozonolysis of olefinic hydrocarbonsuk_UA
dc.subjectpreparation of fuel for combustionuk_UA
dc.subjectburning of ozonated gasolineuk_UA
dc.titleТеоретические основы процесса озонирования жидкого топлива и изучение влияния малых доз озона на работу карбюраторного двигателя внутреннего сгорания (ДВС).uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical bases of the ozoning process of liquid fuel and study of the influence of ozone small doses on the work of carburator internal combustion engine (ICE)uk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:№4/2019

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