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dc.contributor.authorДаценко, Вікторія Станіславівна-
dc.description.abstractВажлива риса моди – змінюваність. Всі соціальні феномени залежать від змін у моді. Предмет моди, власне кажучи, не повинен мати які-небудь певні властивості, за винятком новизни. Мета моди – бути потенційно нескінченною, тобто постійно створювати все нові форми. Новизна робить моду привабливою. Мода здатна генерувати нові ідеї або переосмислювати старі, але в новому контексті та регенерує сама себе. Мода виникає в результаті прийняття певних культурних цінностей, які часто видозмінюються. Стилістичні зміни в моді є результатом існування в суспільстві системи моди. Екзистенції моди, як правило, виражаються в безперервних змінах, орієнтації на новизну і несподіваність. Зміни і новизна – це дві якості, що характеризують моду. Зміст моди постійно змінюється, але мода як форма завжди залишається незмінною.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe phenomenon of fashion is a complex, ambiguous, artificial, complex, human-controlled phenomenon. Undoubtedly, fashion has penetrated into all spheres of human lives, it reflects the norms and values of our time. The logic of fashion is manifested in art, politics, science and is a central phenomenon of the modern world. It influences a person's attitude to himself and others. Understanding of fashion is impossible without an adequate understanding of the modern world. Fashion is attractive. Variability is an important feature of fashion. All social phenomena depend on changes in fashion. The subject of fashion, in principle, should not have any specific properties, except for novelty. The purpose of fashion is to be potentially infinite, that is, to constantly create new forms. Inconsistency is the essence of fashion. Fashion consists in novelty, imitation and individuality. Fashion is able to generate new ideas, or rethink old ones, but in a new context and regenerates itself. Before embracing any fashionable novelties, a person constructs images related to his appearance and the reaction of other people. These images are schematic, but best meet the goals in the form of a perfect image. The complex nature of fashion has evolved along with the dynamics of society, so the social conditionality and orientation of fashion, its rootedness in society is invariably a relevant topic for research. The existence of fashion, as a rule, is expressed in continuous change, focus on novelty and surprise. Fashion significantly affects the functioning of creative industries and is the driving force of economic progress. As pointed out by Yu. O. Zhulid-Khrystosenko, fashion product design must be protected by copyright or trademarks before entering competitive international markets. Fashion is a mechanism of social regulation. Fashion researchers distinguish the concept of "new". Novelty makes fashion attractive. Fashion does not completely depend on the concept of beauty. Adolf Loos incorporates progressive thinking into fashion. Very dubious values can also become fashionable, which, due to imitation in fashion, acquire a mass character. The importance of fashion and its significance changed under the influence of social customs and preferences in clothing. Fashion arises as a result of the adoption of certain cultural values, which often change. Stylistic changes in fashion are the result of the existence of a fashion system in society. Change and novelty are two qualities that characterize fashion. The content of fashion is constantly changing, but fashion as a form always remains unchanged in the fashion capitals of the world. Fashion experiences a change in the needs and preferences of society, sometimes surpassing their transformation, producing something new, modern. The emergence of new ideas and bright changes contributes to the development of fashion and culture. Fashion is not afraid to change, does not lose its relevance and is significant. Ultimately, novelty is important simply because it brings change, and change is life. Life, according to one of many definitions, is the ability to become something else.uk_UA
dc.publisherГуманітарний вісникuk_UA
dc.subjectфеномен модиuk_UA
dc.subjectphenomenon of fashionuk_UA
dc.titleНовизна як суть модиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeNovelty as the essence of fashionuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Число 34

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