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Title: | Сучасний художній музей як мистецький патерн: сутність, функціонування, розвиток : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора мистецтвознавства |
Authors: | Яковець, Інна Олександрівна |
Keywords: | художній музей;дизайн |
Issue Date: | May-2018 |
Abstract: | Дисертацію присвячено виявленню сутності, функціонування і розвитку художнього музею початку ХХІст. Вперше в українській мистецтвознавчій на-уці здійснено дослідження музею як мистецького патерну культури в руслі гло-бальних трансформацій, зміни ціннісних пріоритетів, що відбуваються у суспі-льстві. Багатосторонній підхід до системного аналізу музею проведено з вик о-ристанням методики міждисциплінарних досліджень, що дало змогу дослідити феномен музею комплексно з позиції самостійного явища світової та європей-ської культури, якому необхідно знайти нову парадигму своєї діяльності, яка б відповідала потребам суспільства і його розвитку. Обґрунтовано нелінійний характер динаміки процесів формування і розвитку культурної форми «музей». Мистецько-культурологічний аналіз проведено крізь призму теорії і практикимузейного дизайну. Запропоновано сучасну модель функціонування і розвитку художнього музею за фрактальним принципом, структуру культурного просто-ру музею та модель комплексної взаємодії «музей ↔ дизайн» на прикладі ху-дожнього музею. The dissertation is devoted to revealing the art museum essence, functioning and development of the beginning of the XXI-th century. For the first time in the Ukrainian science of Art Studies, the museum was studied as an artistic pattern of culture form in the context of global transformations, changes in value priorities that take place in society. Multilateral approach to the museum systematic analysis was carried out using the methodof interdisciplinary research, which made it possible to explore the museum in a complex way from the standpoint of an independent phe-nomenon of world and European culture, which needs to find such a new paradigm of its activity that would meet the needs of society and its development. The nonlinear character of the processes dynamics of the cultural form «museum» formation and development is substantiated. The artistic and cultural analysis was carried out through the prism of design. The extended and supplemented scheme of the conditional structure of culture is presented: the conceptual conception of the idea of the design culture and aesthet-ics of design creativity led to understanding of the design culture as a type of culture, which makes it possibleto include it in the general scheme of the cultural structure: material, spiritual, artistic and design.Morphological model of culture, submitted through the forms of human life, modified according to cultural modus «design culture» and «ecological cultu re». Each structural element of modus has a household and a professional component.The model of the modern museum cultural space, which has two levels: macro level and micro level, is proposed. At the macro level there is a relationship between the museumand culture at the level of its components: material, spiritual, artistic and design cultures. The micro level shows the interaction of the museum with the view-er, taking into account the transformation and expansion of the modern museum and museum space,visual, informational and communication components of its activity.The modern model of functioning and development of modern artistic museum as subsystems of culture offers from positions of fractal approach. The mechanism of the museum development (three level: the museum functions; ways of representing artistic forms and designing of the museum space; the consumer potential of museum visitors), which consists of globalization, universal and localization components as directions of the development of themuseum and the interaction of traditional and dynamic (innovative forms and methods of activity of museums) forms of activity was defined is presented. Such a model creates conditions for the formation of fun-damentally new paradigm for the activity of a contemporary art museum.The art museum is positioned as an artistic ambivalent pattern: 1)the Art Mu-seum is a space representing artistic works, it is the basis for experiments of contem-porary artistic practices; 2)the museum itself is an artistic form, work of art.The scheme of complex interaction «museum ↔ design» is offered, where channels are the main types of design: graphic, industrial, design environment, and forms of interaction is a systematic approach to solving various problems, design in all,organizational and ergonomic components, the use of terminology of design.It is proved that modern trends in the design of exposition have led to the in-clusion to the exposition of space, technical equipment and functional processes.Covers the museum asa component of artistic culture in the modern infor-mation and communication art space. The museum is explored as a space of multi-level communication, information technologies and means of media art in the muse-um space, visual arts in the context of the development of information society culture, fractal -art and science-art as a phenomenon of interdisciplinary experiments.Covers the organizational and culturological components of the transformation of the museum form of the late XX-th century — the beginning of the XXI century. In the context of expanding the types and forms of museum activity. Innovative forms of activity of modern museums (museum management, museum marketing, fundraising, PR-technologies), image as a means of socio-cultural organization of the museum, brand culture in the museum sphere were determined and researched; the museum organization is described as a complex system, corporate culture as a means of strategic development of organization.An updated and expanded classification of types of museum activity is present-ed. The following types of active development are identified in separate categories: innovative, international, informational, technological, social and museification (tak-ing into account new types of information storage). |
URI: | |
Number of Pages: | 38 |
Specialization: | 26.00.01 — теорія та історія культури |
Appears in Collections: | Наукові публікації викладачів (ФКТМД) |
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