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Title: The Use of Genetic Algorithms in Distributed Computer Networks
Authors: Колесніков, Костянтин Васильович
Карапетян, Анаіт Радіківна
Keywords: routing;hybrid genetic algorithms;graph optimizing;chromosomes;crossover;mutation;selection
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Eastern European Scientific Journal
Abstract: The existing methods of use of the genetic algorithms for solving optimization tasks are presented. The possibility of formalization of the task of optimizing in distribution of adaptive computer network is studied. The computational complexity of genetic algorithm of optimizing in graph and its practical use is analysed.
ISSN: 2199-7977
DOI: 10.12851/EESJ201606C06ART04
Issue: 3
First Page: 133
End Page: 137
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації викладачів (ФІТІС)

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