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Title: Design-education. Features of aesthetic exploration of spatial - subject environment
Other Titles: Дизайн-освіта. Особливості естетичного освоєння просторово-предметного середовища
Authors: Романенко, Наталія Григорівна
Keywords: дизайн;естетичне засвоєнні середовища;акцидентний шрифт;дактильна абетка;етностиль для екотуризму;design;aesthetic assimilation of the environment;accidental font;dactyl alphabet;ethno style for ecotourism
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: SWorldJournal
Abstract: Робота присвячена узагальненню особливостей естетичного освоєння просторово-предметного середовища шляхом аналізу дипломних творчих робіт студентів магістратури спеціальності Дизайн Черкаського держаного технологічного університету. Розглянуто шляхи вирішення поставлених завдань щодо побудови дизайн-обєкту за функціональним, об'ємно-просторовим, стилістичним і колористичним характером. Встановлено, що унікальність проектної практики дизайнера в умовах активного розвитку науки і техніки, впровадження сучасних технологій і нових матеріалів підтверджується тим, що в ній нерозривно пов'язані між собою три види творчої діяльності: художня, наукова та технічна, відповідно до чого візуальна мова дизайнерської форми формується та розвивається у процесі художньої та науково-технічної творчості. Кожен розглянутий дизайн-проєкт робить свій внесок в розвиток національної української культури: акцидентний шрифт, створений за мотивами архітектурних пам’яток міста Черкаси, має привернути увагу спільноти до культурного надбання українського народу та необхідності його збереження, специфічна дактильна абетка - інтенсифікувати інклюзивну освіту дітей з вадами слуху, інтерпретація традицій українського народного житла в сучасний дизайн інтер’єрів – підкреслити побут і традиції нашого народу.
Introduction: The present article deals with the generalization of the features of the aesthetic mastering of the spatial and subject environment by the analysis of diploma creative works of students of the master's degree in Design of Cherkasy State Technological for diploma design. One of the essential levers of influence on the formation of the intellectual and cultural potential of mankind is the surrounding informative and spatial-object environment of a person, where the design activity unfolds for its aesthetic exploration. Every day, design is gaining momentum, becoming an increasingly important component of the material culture of humanity, requiring a constant pondering of the principles and methods of creating an image, clarifying out the means of structural reincarnation of an image into a form and ensuring the harmonious integrity of the constituents in the system: "A person - a spatial-object environment ". It is of interest to generalize the modern features of the art-project practice of master's students in the processes of aesthetic mastering of the spatial-subject environment. The objective of this paper is to determine and generalize the features of the aesthetic development of the spatial and subject environment by master's students in the development of modern design projects, to outline their contribution to the development of national culture. The main part: An analytical research of the work of well-known domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of design gave the possibility of outlining the features of the artistic design practice of students of the second level of education majoring in design, to generalize their contribution to the material and spiritual national culture. A modern design specialist must be not only a creative person, but also possess a high level of professional competence and competitiveness, which is provided for by the educational program Design (by types) of the master's training in the specialty of design of Cherkasy State Technological University. The unique nature of the designer's design practice is that it inextricably links three types of creative activity: artistic, scientific and technical, according to which the visual language of the design form is created and developed in the process of artistic and scientific - technical creativity, deepening, at the same time, the exploration of the environment. On the examples of three different-vector diploma qualification works of masters: "Aesthetics of the accidental font on the motives the architectural monuments of the city of Cherkasy", "Graphic representation of gestures as a means of expressing the letters of the dactyl alphabet", "Interpretation of the traditions of folk housing in modern interior design of ecotourism objects" defined functionality, volume-spatial and coloristic solution and generalized features of aesthetic mastering of the spatial-subject environment by master's students in the development of modern design projects. Conclusions: 1. The peculiarities of the aesthetic mastering of the spatial and subject environment, summarized by three topics of diploma qualification works of master's students, gave the possibility of stating that the design practice of a designer has a unique character, where three types of creative activity are inextricably : artistic, scientific and technical, and visual language of design form is created in the conditions of the development of modern technologies and the introduction of modern materials. 2. Each considered design project makes its contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture: the accidental font, created on the motives of the architectural monuments of the city of Cherkasy, has to attract the attention of the community to their preservation, a specific dactyl alphabet – to intensify the inclusive of education of children with hearing impairments, the interpretation of Ukrainian traditions national housing in modern interior design - to emphasize the everyday life and traditions of Ukrainian people.
ISSN: 2663-5712 (Online)
DOI: 10.30888/2663-5712.2022-15-02-005
Issue: 15-2
First Page: 98
End Page: 109
Appears in Collections:Наукові публікації викладачів (ФКТМД)

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