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Автори: Даценко, Вікторія Станіславівна
Ключові слова: імідж;цінність;особистість;самореалізація;образ;image;value;personality;self-realization
Дата публікації: 2016
Короткий огляд (реферат): Зростання значення людського фактору дає можливість особистості представляти себе суспільству як індивідуальність. Однією з рушійних сил розвитку особистості є самореалізація. Імідж має символічну структуру. Він є механізмом, що оптимізує професійну соціалізацію особистості. Імідж виступає як культурний код епохи, що фіксує і відтворює картину світу.
Growth of value of a human factor gives the chance of the personality to present itself to society as identity. One of driving forces of development of the personality is self-realization. Image has symbolical structure. It is the mechanism, optimizes professional socialization of the personality. Image is socially caused with communication. Adequate image is necessary for any kind of activity and becomes obligatory attribute of the social and professional relations. Image is a result of activity of the person and a control facility his vital prospect. Blazhey I.A. notes that signs of positive image is appeal, uniqueness and dynamism. Each person wishes to feel attractive. Appeal is connected with fashion, tendencies, mentality. Each person wishes to be the individual and special personality. And dynamism is connected with changes in the world – the image also has to change. Formation of image is process of comprehension by the person of the main values, norms, symbols, traditions and other elements of culture. Formation of image happens in several directions and it is never impossible to be limited to creation, improvement and control something uniform. Only the integrated approach will help with formation of the correct image. Development of image is the choice which is made by each person. Purposeful ability to change and transform world around and itself which is the most important intrinsic characteristic of the personality is the cornerstone of creation of image. During formation of image the social and perspective and social and responsible way of receiving results of activity is very important. It is worth creating real professional image for professional success and self-realization as self-sufficient personality. Image needs to be designed and further to operate it. For this purpose it is necessary to work on itself. Image acts as a cultural code of an era which fixes and reproduces a world picture.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://er.chdtu.edu.ua/handle/ChSTU/861
ISSN: 1338-9432
Том: 4
Випуск: № 2/2016
Початкова сторінка: 15
Кінцева сторінка: 18
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації викладачів (ФГТ)

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